2021 National FHB Forum Offered Valuable Updates & Connections
The 2021 NFHB Forum was held December 6-7, 2021, with nearly 300 registered attendees participating to gain insights from scientific presentations and poster sessions on the latest research on Fusarium Head Blight (scab) and deoxynivalenol (DON).
2021 NFHB Forum Highlighted in Fusarium Focus Newsletter
Make sure to check out Fusarium Focus for an overview of the 2021 NFHB Forum virtual event.
2021 NFHB Forum Proceedings Published
The publication of the proceedings for all the presentation, poster and paper submissions is now available. This is the official publication for all citation references. >> View the Proceedings
Program Abstracts
Check out the sortable online list of the 70 abstracts that were submitted for the 2021 NFHB Forum. You can sort and search via research category, presentation type, first author or title. >> View the Abstracts
2021 NFHB Forum Program
Valuable updates and novel findings were shared during this dynamic two-day virtual event. Kicking off with a Plenary Session and then focusing in on research areas, the presentation sessions offered time for live Q&A with key experts. A virtual poster room with more than 50 digital posters and author videos were available and live poster author sessions were also offered curing the event. Wrapping up attendees joined a virtual tour of RAHR's malting production and technical center as well as the Luce Line Brewing Co. Attendees then tested their FHB knowledge in a fun FHB Trivia networking session. >> Check out the 2021 NFHB Forum Program with links to the abstracts and recordings.

Follow NFHB Forum on Social Media
Follow @USWBSI on Twitter or LinkedIn for quick reminders and updates. For posts about the NFHB Forum use the hashtag #nfhbforum21.
USWBSI 2021 Forum Organizing Committee (FOC)
Carl Bradley, University of Kentucky and Carl Schwinke, Siemer Milling Co.
FHB Management
Christina Cowger, USDA
Ce Yang, University of Minnesota
Food Safety & Toxicology
Dave Kendra, BASF
Jiajia Rao, North Dakota State University
Gene Discovery and Engineering Resistance
Rong Di, Rutgers University
Guihua Bai, USDA
Pathogen Biology and Genetics
Zhao Jin, North Dakota State University
Pete Oppenheimer, North Carolina State University
Variety Development and Host Resistance
Jessica Rupp (HWW-CP), Kansas State University
Nicholas Santantonio (SWW-CP), Virginia Tech
The NFHB Forum is organized and hosted by the U.S. Wheat & Barley Scab Initiative (USWBSI).